Accelerating Intelligent System Design.
A Better World Designed with Cadence

We introduce a new CadenceCONNECT Taiwan conference that encompass a range of technology and vertical topics.

CadenceCONNECT Taiwan 2024 will be held on August 22 at the Sheraton Hsinchu Hotel. CadenceCONNECT Taiwan provides a forum to share best practices on critical design implementation and verification issues, and to discover inspiring new techniques for realizing advanced silicon, system-on-chip (SoC) designs, and systems in different vertical markets. This event is organized to inspire and network with emerging technical experts to continue creating revolutionary possibilities with semiconductors.

面對當今激烈的國際競爭、日益複雜的製程發展與應用挑戰,設計不只能為創意實現、進而形塑未來創新,Cadence立足台灣逾35年,始終為本地客戶、夥伴的最佳助手,將持續為電子設計創新努力。今年特於8月22日(四)於新竹喜來登飯店隆重呈現CadenceCONNECT Taiwan大會,提供互動平台邀請Cadence客戶、夥伴與業界精英匯聚,為當今電子設計提出最佳方針與案例分享,為台灣半導體的未來深度探討交流、互助共榮!

感謝踴躍報名 目前報名已額滿!

Event Info

活動時間(Date/Time):2024 年 08 月 22 日 (四) 09:00-17:30PM

活動地點(Venue):新竹喜來登飯店3F(Sheraton Hsinchu Hotel)


Be inspired by visionary keynotes as they discuss the latest trends and breakthrough technologies shaping the AI era.

Chin-Chi Teng 滕晉慶
Senior Vice President and General Manager
Digital & Signoff Group, Cadence
KS Pua潘健成
Founder and CEO
Phison Electronics
Albert Kuo 郭協星
Head of Automotive Business Unit
C.Y. Chang 張俊彥
Hardware and Operations Vice President
Ben Gu
Corporate Vice President, Multi-Physics System Analysis Group
Eunice Chiu 邱麗孟
Vice President and General Manager Taiwan

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